The medicine is definitely always changing. In the past the medicen for me, was more human, more contact, more visited to the house of the patient, there was few doctors for each town, and the doctors knew everything about each patient, the semeiology was the most important thing for the examination of the patient. The doctors looked, touched and talked with the patient. Nowdays the tecnology have replaced the position of the doctor or the doctor gives more importance to the tecnology. For example, in the consult of a Hospital, the pacient, says, "Doctor, I have a headache" and the doctor says: "you have to make this exam, and come tomorrow" . There isn't human contac, but not all the doctors do that, there are many exceptions.

The tecnology in the medicine gives us good things, for example; imagine a chip strategically placed in the brain, that could prevent epileptic seizures, that is wonderful, because in our city, there are a lot of pacients whit epilectic seizures.

Another example of how tecnology can help us, is the nanorobotics, their function, would be, to enter in our vessels, and clean them. Whit this invention probably we can reduce heart infarcts, and prevent the most of the disseases caused by high cholesterol.

The genetic manipulation is the most bright advanced in the science and tecnology, it is about a modification of the genoma of somebody, the objective of this manipulation is superation of genetic disseases, other objective is for experimental situation like to do somebody with the same characteristics from other person.

Finally the tecnology moves forward to big steps, and the medicine is not the exception, but the doctors should be think if this tecnology is the best for the population or it is not. always thinking in the health of the patients and in the economy of each one.
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