sábado, 11 de octubre de 2008

“Architecture in the time”

The architecture has an origin since the man look for shelter.

¿Which was the first house?

The first varied house from a cave until provisional shelters with leaves.

Afterwards come distinct architectural currents that in the time have lost streng in reference to the functional needs current.

At present the architecture is minimalist, the sentence “least is more” resume what loves in these moments.

In the future is possible that have several new trends.

In the future a house maybe do not have 100 m2, such time only was a capsule.

So in the next future the architecture will have variety of forms and scales, but the most important is that never left to be a shelter.

The architecture is the most important evidence of the past of time, however the humans are the first destroyers of this patrimony.

In the future is propably that we will be living in to the suit of astronauts, please we are very carefull whit us building patrimony...

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